Anxiety and PTSD After a Car Wreck: What You Need to Know

February is Psychology Month, and if you’ve ever been in a car wreck, you know that it’s a difficult, scary experience and that the repercussions can go on for far longer than just the day of the accident. While physical injuries are visible after a trauma such as a car wreck, the mental and emotional effects may take longer to manifest and may be harder to identify. Find out more about what anxiety and PTSD can look like after a car wreck and what it might mean for your personal injury case.

Symptoms of Anxiety and PTSD

You may have noticed that you feel a little different after your car accident — and not just physically. However, people who develop anxiety and PTSD after a traumatic experience sometimes aren’t even aware that what they’re dealing with is an actual mental health issue. Here are some common symptoms of anxiety and PTSD:

  • Feelings that something is wrong but you’re not sure what
  • Feelings of dread
  • Panic attacks
  • Irregular or fast heartbeat
  • Feeling like you can’t breathe or that your chest is tight
  • Flashbacks
  • Bouts of anger that are sudden and/or uncontrollable
  • Strong startle reflex
  • Intrusive thoughts that often center on violent or scary images

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms—especially if they are new to you after the accident or are severe enough to be disrupting your daily activities and affecting your quality of life—it’s a good idea to talk with both your health care provider and a personal injury attorney.

How Do Symptoms Manifest?

An important thing to keep in mind about anxiety and PTSD is that symptoms can often take days, weeks or even months to show fully. You may be in enough shock after the accident that your brain hasn’t yet processed the accident and the trauma, but after some time, the symptoms of anxiety and PTSD can manifest. They may come on suddenly, or you may see a gradual increase in the frequency and intensity of your negative feelings. Because mental and emotional issues can take longer to come about, it’s especially important that you discuss this possibility and anything effects you are feeling with an attorney as soon as possible after the accident.

Anxiety and PTSD After an Auto Accident

If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety and PTSD after a car accident that was the fault of another party, you may be able to be awarded damages as part of your personal injury case. These damages can cover things like ongoing mental health care and compensation for loss of ability to work and even emotional pain and suffering. However, you’ll need to prove to the courts that the challenges you are experiencing are a direct result of the accident. That’s where a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help.

To find out more about what your rights may be in a personal injury case after a car accident, contact our firm today. We can evaluate your case and give you an idea of what kind of compensation you might be able to seek in a lawsuit based on your symptoms.

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