Holding Bullies Accountable….

Holding bullies accountable can take a long time.

Susan Taylor, Andrew Klopfer, and Charles Bennett won a $240,000 verdict against a dentist (and his practice) who bought our client’s practice in July of 2019.

Despite an agreement to continue to employ our client after the acquisition, the buying dentist almost immediately fired our client, filed a lawsuit against our client because AT&T disconnected a phone for a week, and claimed over $650,000 in damages for the phone being down (while the practice was closed for remodeling after the sale).

Afterwards, we obtained a recording of the buying doctor’s receptionist stating on the phone to a patient that our client had “suddenly retired” and had disconnected the phones for 2-3 weeks, all of which was false.

The buying dentist nonsuited his claims the morning of trial in Dallas County, and the trial lasted 2 days on our claims of breach of contract and defamation. The jury found the defendants breached the contract and defamed our client.

Dr. Boyd Shepherd, a Houston lawyer who also has a dental license, was fantastic testifying as our expert witness on how dental practice transactions are supposed to be conducted.

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