National Brain Injury Awareness Month

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This month is Brain Injury Awareness Month — the Brain Injury Association of America’s annual campaign for raising awareness about traumatic brain injuries. Throughout March, supporters will raise funds for brain injury services and join lawmakers and activists in a virtual summit on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, March 16.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a specific type of injury that affects how the brain works. There are various causes for these injuries, including a bump or blow to the head or an object that enters the brain tissue. A TBI can be mild, moderate, or severe.

There are different effects of a TBI, depending on its severity:

  • Cognitive deficits, such as coma, concussion, confusion, memory problems, amnesia, shortened attention span, problems with judgment, decreased self-awareness, and an inability to process abstract concepts.
  • Motor defects, such as weakness, paralysis, poor balance, poor coordination, and problems with swallowing food.
  • Sensory or perceptual deficits, such as loss of sensation of body parts, heightened sensation, and changes in vision, taste, smell, touch, and hearing.
  • Communication issues, such as difficulties with speaking, reading, forming sentences, or problems identifying objects.
  • Functional issues, such as problems shopping and paying bills or an ability to operate machinery or drive a car.
  • Regulatory disturbances, such as fatigue, sleeping problems, headache, dizziness, decreased motivation, and anxiety.

Why is Brain Injury Awareness Month Important?

There were 61,000 deaths related to TBI in the United States in 2019 — that’s around 166 every day. Brain Injury Awareness Month not only brings attention to these deaths to the general public but encourages supporters to advocate for legislative changes that lead to increased spending on medical research for brain injuries.

The Brain Injury Association of America, established in 1980, is the largest and oldest organization specializing in TBI awareness. The organization advocates for resources on brain injury prevention in schools and works closely with the U.S. Department of Education. This year’s theme for Brain Injury Awareness Month is ‘More Than My Brain Injury.’

How to Get Involved

There are various ways you can get involved in this year’s Brain Injury Awareness Month:

  • Share the hashtag ‘MoreThanMyBrainInjury’ on your social media pages to increase awareness about traumatic brain injuries.
  • Attend the Brain Injury Association of America’s virtual summit on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, March 16.
  • Join your local chapterof the Brain Injury Association of America and get involved in upcoming events.
  • Learn more about TBI and the impact it can have on families. Many people with a brain injury can no longer work or earn a living, leaving them with costly medical bills and other expenses.
  • Talk to a personal injury attorney if you have a brain injury that wasn’t your fault.

How Do Doctors Diagnose and Treat a TBI?

Diagnosing a traumatic brain injury usually requires a team of medical professionals, including emergency room doctors, neurologists, and neuropsychologists. Diagnostic tools such as spect scans and magnetic resonance imaging have significantly improved over the last several years so doctors can more precisely diagnose where the damage occurred and even how and what forces were involved.

Treatment for TBI depends on the injury’s severity and might include medications such as anti-seizure or coma-inducing drugs, therapy such as cognitive therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and sometimes even surgical procedures. Patients often involve life care planning professionals to determine what ongoing care a traumatically brain injured patient may need for the rest of their life.

What Should You Do If You Suffer From a TBI?

If you have a brain injury in Texas or know someone who does, consulting with a reputable TBI attorney can help. You could be entitled to compensation for any expenses that result from an injury, such as medical bills and loss of earnings.

Bennett Injury Law in Dallas, Texas, has helped TBI victims and their families recover compensation by winning lawsuits through settlements and verdicts. Experienced personal injury lawyers can ensure you or your loved one receives the right amount of financial compensation.

Learn more by speaking with a Texas TBI attorney today at 972-972-4969.

Final Word

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, encouraging people to spread understanding of TBI and advocate for legislative changes related to brain injuries. You can get involved by researching TBI, increasing awareness on social media, or attending events organized by the Brain Injury Association of America.

Are you looking for a Texas brain injury lawyer? Contact Bennett Injury Law here or call 972-972-4969.

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