Safe Toys And Gifts Month

Since December is the number one month for gift-giving, it makes sense that it is designated National Toys and Gifts Month. Everyone wants a safe and happy holiday season, and giving safe toys and gifts will help to make that possible. Still, many unsafe toys and gifts are out there and will be purchased and distributed this season. We want you to understand the problem and how to shop for the right gift.

Statistics On Unsafe Toys

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that around 250,000 children suffer injuries to toys and gifts every year. In 2019 those numbers were about 224,000 children injured, and ninety percent were treated at the emergency room and released. Sometimes injuries can be life-altering or lead to death. These statistics only reflect the ones treated at emergency rooms or urgent care centers. Many injuries are minor, don’t require treatment, or are not reported.

These statistics reflect children under the age of fifteen and can be higher for the age group 15-18 years old. Most of the injuries in all age groups involved non-motorized scooters or similar toys. The remaining groups of toys can cause suffocation, airway blockage, or puncture wounds. Airway obstruction is the number one cause of emergency room visits for children seven months to seven years old.

The Problem

Head and face injuries occur more than any other body part. This is largely due to the large number of children riding non-motorized scooters. These can be avoided by simply wearing a helmet. Often, parents or other adults ignore this when purchasing a scooter. However, children are not instructed properly on proper scooter safety and often choose not to wear a helmet. Most of the accidents involve children who are unsupervised or poorly supervised.

Lack of proper adult supervision also explains why many of the injuries occur.


Many toys like small balls and balloons, are often ingested even under the best supervision. A lot of injuries occur even under the best supervision. Children can put an object in their mouth in an instant, or poke themselves before you can blink an eye. Thus, we should consider safe toys and gifts instead of one that may seem unsafe and assume that the child will play under proper supervision.

We live in an age where so many parents and guardians are busy and don’t always take the time to investigate the safety of the toy that their child is playing with or are too wrapped up in Facebook to observe their child’s every move. Ultimately, it requires a combination of a safe and age-appropriate toy and proper supervision to ensure that a child can play safely without fear of injury.

How To Shop For Safe Toys And Gifts

The first thing that you must consider is the age of the child that you are purchasing the gift for. Many toys manufactured outside of the U.S. do not meet the Consumer Product Safety Commission Standards and are turned away. The CPSC has some of the most stringent toy safety standards in the world. They require stringent tests, including chemical, and other safety measures. These tests are conducted both by the CPSC and independently.

Another group that also tests and puts its own stamp of approval on toys is the American Society for Testing And Materials (ASTM). They are independent of the CPSC and their tests are proven and their recommendations are as widely accepted. They place a stamp or sticker on toys they have tested and approved.

Regardless of the tests and recommendations of the various toy and gift groups, there are some guidelines that will help assist you in your search for the right toy and gift.

Toys and Age Groups


Deflated or broken balloons are a serious choking hazard for smaller children. Often balloons are picked up by small children at parties and the child chokes or their airway becomes obstructed before they are noticed. It is best to avoid balloons around children under five years of age.

Balls and Toys With Small Parts

Children are drawn to small balls and small moveable parts and this makes them hazardous for pre-school-aged children. Many of these children place them in the mouth and can quickly become choked, have their airway obstructed or swallow them where they can become lodged in the throat.

Scooters and Other Riding Toys

Scooters and skateboards and other similar toys move fast, and falls are highly probable. If these are given to an age-appropriate child, then a helmet and possibly kneepads should also be given. Children often ride scooters or skateboards unsupervised and this increases the risk of an incident and injuries.

Sharp Toys and Objects

Many toys and gifts come with sharp edges or pointed parts that children often stick into their eyes. The American OphthalmologyAssociation warns parents against giving toys with sharp edges to small children.

BB Guns and More

BB guns, pellet guns and cap guns can be dangerous, especially for smaller children. Cap guns can cause burns and BB and pellet guns can cause severe injury and even death. These gifts require supervision, and should only be given as gifts to older children.


These toys can be dangerous to others and the child playing with them. If you want more information, you can refer to the Consumer Protection Safety Commission’swebsite for a brochure.

What About The Package?

Once you open up all the packages, then you have a pile of plastic and cardboard. Be careful to clean up the packages quickly so they can not harm a child. Plastic bags can cause choking or even suffocation. Also, there may be sharp edges on the cardboard or the plastic box. The package can be as dangerous as the toy if you are not careful.

Proper storage of all toys is important. Most toys require some supervision, especially among smaller children. It is important that you keep them put up so they cannot get to them when you are not watching.


In Case Of Injuries

Despite all the precautions and safety measures in place injuries can still occur. While stringent safety testing is conducted, an unsafe product can still make it to the consumer and injuries occur. If your child is injured from a toy or gift then you need to get treatment immediately. If you have any legal needs arise then contact Bennett Injury Law immediately to expedite your case.

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